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  • A Journey to Plant Spirit Medicine, Plant Medicine Healing herbs, healing plants

    A Journey to Plant Spirit Medicine will show you how the spirit of the plant can assist you on your journey while healing and taking you from a state of pain to comfort, enlightement and growth. The intention of this book is to educate you on the relevance of how to prepare yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually for San Pedro and Ayahuasca Ceremonies in order for you to have a full and conscious participation with benefits. You will learn the pros and cons along with its origins, as well as how to incorporate Plant Spirit Medicine as part of your healing routine. The learnings from Angels will connect you with your true self while allowing you to become more aware of their messages that surround you. Discover how to implement these messages and how to benefit from them so you can achieve your goals and your desires. Order your copy here---->AMAZON NOW!


    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS As part of my healing, I had to take responsibility and be able to call things by their name. As much as I studied academically for what developed into my career as a healthcare professional, it is not the same as when you have to deal with some situations first hand. I had to come to terms with emotional dependency and obsession characteristics and episodes as well as with narcissistic personalities and behaviors. I will begin with simple questions that I asked myself so I could break it down for easier understanding and to be able to assimilate the information that was referring to my situation. It was not easy to read. I realized that many characteristics of narcissism sounded familiar for some of my ex’s in past relationships. Causes for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), aren’t very well understood. However, inherited genetic defects are thought to be responsible in many cases of this disorder. Contributing environmental factors may include: • Childhood abuse • Neglect • Excessive parental over protection or pampering • Unrealistic expectations from parents • Sexual promiscuity (often accompanies narcissism) • Cultural influences A narcissist detaches themselves from their true self due to an early trauma or emotional damage. What this person really does is replace his or her true self with a grandiose or superior false self. This alternate false self persona often comes across as: • Grandiose • Above others • Self-absorbed (always thinking about self and preoccupied with one’s own feelings, interests, or situation) • Vain (excessively proud of oneself) In society, politicians, and individuals, believe it or not, show mild to severe forms of narcissism. Not only do they show it, they often encourage others to become one. We can all agree that we are in a highly individualistic and externally driven society. Society wants you to be independent and be auto driven to success. The outcome of this false self that they create, ends up falling in love with the idealization of their self image. We always thought of narcissism as a person who is in love with themselves. The idealism of the self-image is projected by these individuals in order to avoid feeling and being seen as the real, disenfranchised, wounded human being. The sad part is, deep down, most pathological narcissists are suffering. They look completely calm on a superficial level, while in reality, are frantically trying to keep up with the demands of their life. It is obvious, that as painful as it is, they won’t admit to the pain they are experiencing. Because it is not my intention to diagnose anyone, not even myself, with all of this information or any information provided in this book, I would just like to present some of the questions that I asked myself at one time so I could understand what a narcissist really is. I had researched this disorder so I could consciously take responsibility and see the characteristics in some of the people that I interacted with such as my ex and even myself. On our journey, we have all experienced some of the characteristics of narcissism, so just allow the information to come to you and not feel threatened; just breathe and keep reading. I understand that you may be challenged to read this chapter or to think that one of your loved ones fits this profile. We are not here to blame or point fingers at anyone, remember that. We are just learning and trying to be in touch with ourselves. This way, we will be able to identify if we want to be involved with a narcissist or not. Humberto Fortuna, MA, MS, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1968 where he earned his first Master of Arts degree at age 20. He came to the US in 1989 where he began his career in the Health Care field in South Florida. He specialized in Social Services for the geriatric population, concentrating in Alzheimer’s and related Dementias. He received his second Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration with concentration in Long Term Care from Lynn University, Florida, in 1998. He received a Post Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies in 1999. In the same year, as a Serial Entrepreneur, he created his own company; Placement Counselors Corporation. He also created Scoop for Seniors Publishing, Papinos LLC, and is publisher of 55+ Magazine, currently available in the SE region of Florida for the past 10 yrs. He currently has his own private practice as a Geriatric Specialist and won the Caregivers award for a book he co-wrote with Cindy VanDusen. He became a Certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer Practitioner, and a Certified Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records Practitioner. He also became a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master among other modalities. He is fusing his knowledge and experience with all these new techniques and philosophies to further his practice as an Energy Healer while dedicating his time to educating and promoting Alternative and Complementary Medicine with a Clinical Mind. Humberto is currently working on his third book “The Root of Business Conscious Manifestation” and continues to educate through workshops and seminars.

  • YOU ARE NOT TOXIC ...The Relationship IS! #Narcissism, #Self-Doubt, #Gaslighting, #Forgiveness...

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS Stopping Loving Them and Loving Myself More: Narcissism, Self-Doubt, Gaslighting, Forgiveness, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction. Toxicity is a word that is used very often to label something or someone in our society. But, do you really know who is toxic? What is toxic? Is it Abuse? How can you identify what a toxic relationship is, or even if you are a toxic person? Originally, this book was part of a previous book publication, ‘Freedom from Emotional Dependency, The Journey.’ I then decided that a separate book, with all this valuable information, needed to have its main spotlight, like a NARCISISTIC PERSON would like to have… This book will lead you to the true understanding on how a toxic relationship can really be stopped so you can achieve your freedom and the happiness that you deserved. While we discover the manipulative behaviors that occurs in toxic relationships, you will discover how to realign yourself with your true self. This book will guide you how to understand and deal with Narcissism, Self-Doubt, Gaslighting, And implement and the importance of Forgivness, Mindfulness and the use Law of Attraction among other metothologies. For many years, I felt that I was the toxic one. The doubts, and at one point, the self-doubt was overwhelming and did not allow me to see clearly. Those situations were not allowing me to be happy nor productive, and it was manipulated by these toxic individuals without me even realizing it. These situations and interactions can be stopped, and I will show you how I did it, while I was able to regain myself and become more in touch with my feelings and my ‘true self.’ You will learn how to discover and build your supportive tools and systems so that you can achieve your goals and peace. These tools are the ones you will use to uplift, or even manage unpleasant situations that no longer serve you. They will become part of you and your life. This is a journey that you will have to go through at some point in life if you are emotionally dependent or co-dependent. I am not saying that we are all emotionally dependent, but you may encounter a toxic person at some point on your journey. It could be someone at work, in the family, or in a relationship. As an Energy Healer, I needed to combine both the traditional and alternative medicines for a more natural healing process. I dedicated a whole chapter on how to use the Law of Attraction while you are looking for relief. The implementation of mindfulness and its importance in your daily routine is part of the healing process and allows you to achieve what you are looking for. While using mindfulness, you will re-connect with unconditional love. I will be showing you how you are surrounded by messages and how to recognize them as well as interpret them. As part of the alternative methodology that I used, I will share my experiences with my archangels and spiritual guides with you. Complementary and Alternative medicine is one of my passions and support system that I can always count on. It allows me to be in touch with my roots and beliefs in such a powerful manner that healing comes to me much faster and organically. We learn, we cry, we evolve, and then….we need to practice what was learned, assimilated, and integrated into our journey. And, you will be able to do it at the end of this book with your energy, hard work, and dedication, as I did. Remember, we don’t come to this plane to suffer, we come to this life to evolve and be happy. AVAILABLE IN> HERE Humberto Fortuna, MA, MS, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1968 where he earned his first Master of Arts degree at age 20. He came to the US in 1989 where he began his career in the Health Care field in South Florida. He specialized in Social Services for the geriatric population, concentrating in Alzheimer’s and related Dementias. He received his second Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration with concentration in Long Term Care from Lynn University, Florida, in 1998. He received a Post Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies in 1999. In the same year, as a Serial Entrepreneur, he created his own company; Placement Counselors Corporation. He also created Scoop for Seniors Publishing, Papinos LLC, and is publisher of 55+ Magazine, currently available in the SE region of Florida for the past 10 yrs. He currently has his own private practice as a Geriatric Specialist and won the Caregivers award for a book he co-wrote with Cindy VanDusen. He became a Certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer Practitioner, and a Certified Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records Practitioner. He also became a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master among other modalities. He is fusing his knowledge and experience with all these new techniques and philosophies to further his practice as an Energy Healer while dedicating his time to educating and promoting Alternative and Complementary Medicine with a Clinical Mind. Humberto last published book The BOSS from WITHIN is available on Amazon.Com.

  • Stopping Loving Someone... You are NOT Toxic

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS Stopping Loving Them and Loving Myself More: Narcissism, Self-Doubt, Gaslighting, Forgiveness, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction . It is a challenge to stop thinking about someone that you loved. How do you tell yourself and your mind to stop loving someone? It’s even crazy just to read about it without having the previous conversations that we have been having together in this book. This is why it is important to put everything in context. The first reaction that most people will have will be: NO WAY! HOW CAN YOU ASK ME TO DO THAT? IMPOSSIBLE! As hard as it may be, you need to tell your mind to stop doing something that is no longer giving you pleasure and is just creating anxiety and confusion, that is not helping you to achieve the balance and inner peace you need. Most of us will say that it is impossible to manipulate who you fall in love with. But, think about it, sometimes, you might wish that weren’t the case. We will talk about how much we can and cannot control falling in love with someone. There are many scenarios that involve these types of moments where we need to tell ourselves how to stop loving someone. I’ve seen many times, after a relationship break-up, that some individuals continue loving someone who no longer loves them. When this type of situation occurs, it is very uncomfortable and painful and it affects their emotional well-being. There are others cases where you love someone who continually demonstrates that they don’t have your best interests at heart or they are selfish or narcissistic. Maybe you and your partner do love each other intensely but have too many differences to sustain a lasting partnership. This can create unpleasant moments and even a toxic relationship. No matter what type of situation you are experiencing, it is always complicated and exhausting overall for everyone. So, take the time to STOP and THINK. Is this relationship really bringing the best out in myself? When it’s clear that a relationship is not good for you, it can seem impossible to simply turn off your feelings, correct? How do you do it? GET YOUT COPY HERE! #writer #lifecoach #tarotreading #healing #energyhealing #holisticwellness #alternativemedicine #love #health #freedom #emotionalhealing #bossfromwithin #plantmedicine #GeriatricCare #consultant #vocalcoach #humbertofortuna #manifestation #amazon #selfimprovement #selfcare #transition #motivationalspeaker #cuttingcords #TANGOBSESSION #leadershipdevelopment #writer #performer #singer #musician #ayahuasca #SanPedro #lawofattraction #hicks #HEALING #bossfromwithin #self-improvement #energy healing #sound healing #Toxic relationship #Humberto #Fortuna #emotional #dependency #gaslighting #book #reading #freedom #release #cutting cords #amazon #boss #entrepreneurship #business #practice #healing #happiness #enjoyment #joy #money #health #career #professional #love #Plant #Medicine #Ayahuasca #San Pedro #Spirituality #freedom #55plusmag #55+ #trueself #help #assistance #counseling #Guidance #Energy healer

  • FORGIVENESS ... Freedom from Emotional Dependency

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS When I wrote my book Freedom from Emotional Dependency, I dedicated a whole chapter about Forgiveness Once you begin making progress during your healing process or break-up or detachment, it will become normal for you to begin experiencing some new or numb feelings and emotions. Maybe you had a love relationship and you have stopped thinking about your ex. That is great. The problem now that you are experiencing is that you are accepting or identifying other issues like the feeling of shame or humiliation. These feelings may be due to behaviors that you expressed during certain events of the past, like the way you behaved at your break-up of your relationship, for example. When you begin recognizing your ‘true self’ and spending more time ‘in the moment,’ you may begin seeing things from a different perspective. You may even start with evaluating how you reacted in such and such situation. You may think that your behavior was crazy or not normal in your eyes. Even if you begin with this train of thought, my recommendation is for you to allow those feelings and realize that you were acting normally in an extremely abnormal situation. The surprising thing for you now, is that you can see why you were reacting that way then. Now, you are able to see things more clearly and calmly while you are in touch with the present and with your ‘true self’. Maybe you did not like how you acted and that’s ok. Stop going over and over it in your mind. Stop obsessing over the past. Do not beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself and move forward. It’s time to begin the process of forgiveness. Forgive others but at the same time, forgive yourself as well. The feeling of ‘if you forgive yourself this time, you may do it again,’ is a normal feeling. I’m sure you must have thought about this or something similar has crossed your mind. Your behavior may have been strong, even though you may never have wanted it to be that way, but that was because you were not being your ‘true self’. Without forgiving or being afraid of acting the same way again, you may feel that you are now more in control. But, think about this…if you are in control but not in touch with your ‘true self’, are you going to be able to love others completely? While giving yourself fully, as who you truly are? So, forgiveness is the way you will be able to do it, because when you are in a difficult situation, you will accept how you reacted to an event and you will be able to move forward, honoring who you are. The reality is that you may again begin questioning yourself: • What if I’m the nasty, crazy person? • Why have all my relationships brought doubt about myself? • What is he or she was not the psychopath? • What if I’m just a lunatic who made that up to avoid rejection? • What if I have a personality disorder? • What if I just invented everything? As you can see, with this type of questioning, your mind is doubting you and your feelings, because they are all new feelings that your mind has to deal with. If you were used to being with someone who was cheating on you or an emotional manipulator, and you were not able to stand up to them when they betrayed you or disrespected you, this type of questioning will apply to you, for sure. Now, the situation is different because you are able to see it and feel it. So, it is ok to be in this moment with these feelings. You have to deal with them for what they are and how they are presenting to you. You need to understand that, even if you behaved like a crazy person, you do deserve to be forgiven and you need to stop punishing yourself for your past throughout your whole journey. You deserve mercy, and why not? • Mercy gives compassion the power and element to be able to see light in a darkened event. • Mercy is kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. • Mercy chooses not to be offended, and compassionately sees a hurting heart behind hurtful words. • Mercy allows us to experience love, forgiveness, compassion, peace, and joy, whether we deserve it or not. • Mercy will allow you to see others striving to see the other side of someone’s anger, crossing a picket line to forgive, or pulling over to help a wandering soul. • Mercy is love and encouragement. Things could have been worse than what you went through. Now you understand that it is not always about right or wrong. It is not about who is crazy or not crazy. Practicing self-unconditional love will be a great start! When you withhold forgiveness from yourself, it will only make you feel worse. It will only make you feel more ashamed if you cannot let it go. It becomes like a snowball and this situation does not help you free yourself from ties that are holding you down. Try to shake it off and let go of all those dramatic and sad feelings. Don’t keep them in your heart. Make a conscious decision of wanting and desiring to feel light and free and fun. Why not create an easy going lifestyle with freedom and joy! Learn more about Emotional Dependency Available on AMAZON.COM As you go through an evaluation of your journey, you will realize that there are many things that you may need to change in order for you to achieve what you are looking for. This book is an evaluation of an individual that has just come out of a relationship healing process. That individual is me. Or, it could be you. As you heal, you ask yourself, “How come I didn’t see this before?” Maybe now you realize that must be changed for the sole purpose of achieving peace of mind, happiness, or even some sort of freedom and independency in your life. Emotional Dependency can occur in many types of relationships, not just in a romantic, love relationship. Emotional relationships include children with their parents, parents with their children, co-workers or any situation that is causing you to be dependent. If you do not find your ‘true self,’ and become true to your feelings, nothing will work, especially with a dependency. It is my intention to help you by sharing my experiences as well as teaching you how to embrace and honor yourself. In my case, I did a complementation of traditional and alternative medicine treatments that I will share with you throughout this book. As an Energy Healer, I needed to combine the traditional and the alternative for a more natural healing process. I will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction, Akashic Records, Meditation, and exercises and techniques that helped me to achieve what I was looking for. I will show you how we are all surrounded by messages as well as learning to recognize and interpret them. As part of the alternative methodology that I used, I will share my experiences with my archangels and spiritual guides. While using ‘mindfulness,’ you will reconnect with unconditional love. Available on AMAZON.COM Placement Counselors Corp network in Southeast Florida (Broward, Dade and Palm Beach Counties) with several local and national organizations like Area Agency on Aging of Broward County, Elder Affairs and ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center) Adult Protective Services, etc… provides information and assistance about state and federal benefits, as well as available local programs and services and Placement Counselors in the North Region: Juno Beach, Jupiter, Jupiter Inlet Colony, Lake Park, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Shores, Riviera Beach/Singer Island, Tequesta, West Palm Beach skyline at night. Central Region: Atlantis, Cloud Lake, Glen Ridge, Greenacres.. Haverhill, Hypoluxo. Lake Clarke Shores, Lake Worth. Lantana, Loxahatchee Groves. Manalapan Magnolia Park Palm, Beach Palm Springs. Royal Palm Beach, South Palm Beach, Wellington. West Palm Beach, Lake Okeechobee & The Glades. Boca Inlet Aerial. South Region, Boca Raton: Boynton Beach, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Gulf Stream Highland Beach, Ocean Ridge, Village of Golf . Broward County has very important cities such as: Coconut Creek, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Dania Beach, Davie, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Hollywood, Lauderdale Lakes, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Lauderhill, Lighthouse Point, Margate, Miramar, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Park, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sea Ranch Lakes, Southwest Ranches, Sunrise, Tamarac, Weston, Wilton ManorsPCC and 55+ Magazine is part of the local Networking system in Southeast Florida and with the following establishments. Humberto Fortuna, MA, MS, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1968 where he earned his first Master of Arts degree at age 20. He came to the US in 1989 where he began his career in the Health Care field in South Florida. He specialized in Social Services for the geriatric population, concentrating in Alzheimer's and related Dementias. He received his second Master's Degree in Health Care Administration with concentration in Long Term Care from Lynn University, Florida, in 1998. He received a Post Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies in 1999. In the same year, as a Serial Entrepreneur, he created his own company; Placement Counselors Corporation. He also created Scoop for Seniors Publishing, Papinos LLC, and is publisher of 55+ Magazine, currently available in the SE region of Florida for the past 10 yrs. He currently has his own private practice as a Geriatric Specialist and won the Caregivers award for a book he co-wrote with Cindy VanDusen. He became a Certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer Practitioner, and a Certified Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records Practitioner. He also became a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master among other modalities. He is fusing his knowledge and experience with all these new techniques and philosophies to further his practice as an Energy Healer while dedicating his time to educating and promoting Alternative and Complementary Medicine with a Clinical Mind. Humberto finished publishing his book "The Boss from Within" and continues to educate through workshops and seminars. #writer #lifecoach #tarotreading #healing #energyhealing #holisticwellness #alternativemedicine #love #health #freedom #emotionalhealing #bossfromwithin #plantmedicine #GeriatricCare #consultant #vocalcoach #humbertofortuna #manifestation #amazon #selfimprovement #selfcare #transition #motivationalspeaker #cuttingcords #TANGOBSESSION #leadershipdevelopment #writer #performer #singer #musician #ayahuasca #SanPedro #lawofattraction #hicks

  • Cutting Energetic Cords with Archangel Michael

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS Did you know? Cords of attachment are energetic ties which are created between two people, or between a person and an institution, object, or past situation which remains in the present. Energetic cords are attached to fear, worry, anger, or negative feelings. Attachment cords keep old pain active. They tie you to past challenges, and keep old arguments and tensions alive and on repeat. The good news is, cords can be cut, pulled out, and dissolved into the light of the divine. These cords have a way of keeping those attached in a holding pattern, where the past challenges continue to repeat into the present. The energy from the cord will vibrate and align with your past challenges and they repeat patterns that you'd be better off releasing and moving beyond. When you cut and release a cord into the light, you're no longer energetically engaged with that pattern of negativity. You will feel immediately uplifted. When you cut the cords between you and another, consciously or unconsciously, they will feel it too, and may even reach out and contact you. If this is the case, establish boundaries, surround yourself with love and light and stand up for yourself so the cords don't just reattach themselves. I am just a BRIDGE OF ENERGY AND KNOWLEDGE...... and together, we can take steps forward toward the manifestation of your desires in your life or professional career. Let me guide you to be centered, balanced and successful! To learn more about Humberto Fortuna, Serial Entrepreneur and my Online services please visit: www.humbertofortuna.comand you will find all the services that I have been and will continue to provide at: , , For more information, contact Humberto 954 961 5223 or at HUMBERTO's BOOKS A JOURNY TO PLANT SPIRIT MEDICINE #writer #lifecoach #tarotreading #healing#energyhealing #holisticwellness#alternativemedicine #love #health #freedom#emotionalhealing #bossfromwithin#plantmedicine #GeriatricCare #consultant#vocalcoach #humbertofortuna#manifestation #amazon #selfimprovement#selfcare #transition #motivationalspeaker#cuttingcords #leadershipdevelopment#writer #performer #singer##musicianlifestyle


    By Humberto Fotuna MA , MS AS I said on my Book Freedom from Emotional Dependency forgiveness can be hard. It can be hard to let go and move on in certain situations. When someone hurts you, it can become a challenge to let go of that situation and move forward with your life. Believe it or not, and I am sure that you have experienced this feeling, it is often easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. The benefit of practicing self-forgiveness provides an opportunity for important growth, meaningful changes, and an improved emotional well-being. So, if you go back to feeling ashamed, you will understand that shame comes from the core feeling of your bad self. Practicing self-forgiveness will be the way to take away the feeling of shame. Let’s think about why self-forgiveness will make shame disappear. If you can forgive even your darkest or hidden beliefs about yourself, you no longer will be feeling ashamed. There is nothing left to be ashamed about. You will be forgiving everything, whether it is true or not, you will not be thinking or obsessing about it.You will be able to stop that drama that shame was generating in you since forgiveness will no longer be relevant or important. This is a subject that I really had to take time and read about since it was a personal challenge and hard to implement for me. If you think that just because a person is able to implement self-forgiveness, they are a good soul and a very evolved, positive person, I have news for you. NOPE! Self-forgiveness does not mean you are a good person! Being able to practice self-forgiveness does not mean that you are right or wrong. You could be 100% wrong and the worst person in the world and continue practicing self-forgiveness. In practicing self-forgiveness, you will be able to let all of those things go that were generating a feeling of shame in you. The most painful and most difficult thing that you can do to yourself is to do things that go against your values and beliefs. When you do that, you will be suffering and you will be creating a moment of shame. This feeling of shame will be disturbing to you because you are doing something against your beliefs. When you do this, you become a person that will be reacting and behaving by judging and blaming yourself and others. Take the time to consider this situation in your life. Did you ever do it? My questioning is not with the intent of making you feel uncomfortable, or to punish yourself by questioning yourself. It is to become more conscious of who you are. Is judging and blaming others giving you a feeling of control? This is just a form of SELF-SABOTAGING your own values and beliefs. This way you were able to deal with shame by burying it 8 feet under in a locked box. The beautiful part of this process of accepting and practicing self-forgiveness is that you allow a very powerful energy force to dissolve these old barriers that you have been carrying for so many years, while allowing yourself to go back to becoming whole and in touch with your true self with love, kindness, and without judgment and shame. Compassion is the core of unconditional love. When you offer forgiveness to yourself, you become more compassionate with yourself. This process must be practiced daily in the course of your journey and be repeated over and over again since it is not just a one-time experience. LEARN more about EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCY FREEDOM ---- HERE As you go through an evaluation of your journey, you will realize that there are many things that you may need to change in order for you to achieve what you are looking for. This book is an evaluation of an individual that has just come out of a relationship healing process. That individual is me. Or, it could be you. As you heal, you ask yourself, “How come I didn’t see this before?” Maybe now you realize that must be changed for the sole purpose of achieving peace of mind, happiness, or even some sort of freedom and independency in your life. Emotional Dependency can occur in many types of relationships, not just in a romantic, love relationship. Emotional relationships include children with their parents, parents with their children, co-workers or any situation that is causing you to be dependent. If you do not find your ‘true self,’ and become true to your feelings, nothing will work, especially with a dependency. It is my intention to help you by sharing my experiences as well as teaching you how to embrace and honor yourself. In my case, I did a complementation of traditional and alternative medicine treatments that I will share with you throughout this book. As an Energy Healer, I needed to combine the traditional and the alternative for a more natural healing process. I will teach you how to use the Law of Attraction, Akashic Records, Meditation, and exercises and techniques that helped me to achieve what I was looking for. I will show you how we are all surrounded by messages as well as learning to recognize and interpret them. As part of the alternative methodology that I used, I will share my experiences with my archangels and spiritual guides. While using ‘mindfulness,’ you will reconnect with unconditional love. Humberto Fortuna, MA, MS, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1968 where he earned his first Master of Arts degree at age 20. He came to the US in 1989 where he began his career in the Health Care field in South Florida. He specialized in Social Services for the geriatric population, concentrating in Alzheimer’s and related Dementias. He received his second Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration with concentration in Long Term Care from Lynn University, Florida, in 1998. He received a Post Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies in 1999. In the same year, as a Serial Entrepreneur, he created his own company; Placement Counselors Corporation. He also created Scoop for Seniors Publishing, Papinos LLC, and is publisher of 55+ Magazine, currently available in the SE region of Florida for the past 10 yrs. He currently has his own private practice as a Geriatric Specialist and won the Caregivers award for a book he co-wrote with Cindy VanDusen. He became a Certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer Practitioner, and a Certified Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records Practitioner. He also became a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master among other modalities. He is fusing his knowledge and experience with all these new techniques and philosophies to further his practice as an Energy Healer while dedicating his time to educating and promoting Alternative and Complementary Medicine with a Clinical Mind. Humberto is currently working on his third book “The Root of Business Conscious Manifestation” and continues to educate through workshops and seminars. Find Humberto Fortuna MA MS Books HERE AMAZON.COM Placement Counselors Corp network in Southeast Florida (Broward, Dade and Palm Beach Counties) with several local and national organizations like Area Agency on Aging of Broward County, Elder Affairs and ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center) Adult Protective Services, etc… provides information and assistance about state and federal benefits, as well as available local programs and services and Placement Counselors in the North Region: Juno Beach, Jupiter, Jupiter Inlet Colony, Lake Park, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Shores, Riviera Beach/Singer Island, Tequesta, West Palm Beach skyline at night. Central Region: Atlantis, Cloud Lake, Glen Ridge, Greenacres.. Haverhill, Hypoluxo. Lake Clarke Shores, Lake Worth. Lantana, Loxahatchee Groves. Manalapan Magnolia Park Palm, Beach Palm Springs. Royal Palm Beach, South Palm Beach, Wellington. West Palm Beach, Lake Okeechobee & The Glades. Boca Inlet Aerial. South Region, Boca Raton: Boynton Beach, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Gulf Stream Highland Beach, Ocean Ridge, Village of Golf . Broward County has very important cities such as: Coconut Creek, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Dania Beach, Davie, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Hollywood, Lauderdale Lakes, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Lauderhill, Lighthouse Point, Margate, Miramar, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Parkland, Pembroke Park, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sea Ranch Lakes, Southwest Ranches, Sunrise, Tamarac, Weston, Wilton ManorsPCC and 55+ Magazine is part of the local Networking system in Southeast Florida and with the following establishments.#writer #lifecoach #tarotreading #healing #energyhealing #holisticwellness #alternativemedicine #love #health #freedom #emotionalhealing #bossfromwithin #plantmedicine #GeriatricCare #consultant #vocalcoach #humbertofortuna #manifestation #amazon #selfimprovement #selfcare #transition #motivationalspeaker #cuttingcords #TANGOBSESSION #leadershipdevelopment #writer #performer #singer #musician #ayahuasca #SanPedro #lawofattraction

  • THE UNDERSTANDING... TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS... Leaving a Toxic Relationship

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS Throughout the book, you may find certain terminology that may resonate with you as well as diagnostic names that you may not have even considered to be part of what you are going through. On this journey, we will talk about descriptions of behaviors and syndromes so we can see if you identify with any of them. It is not my intention to diagnose who has what problem. I am also not saying that what is written in this book is the perfect way that certain issues should be approached. I am just sharing the experiences of my journey and the knowledge that I have gained and what has helped me to achieve peace and balance. So, I was able to identify: What is toxic and what is not Who is toxic and who is not What is Emotional Dependency What is Emotional Independency Throughout this book, we are going to briefly talk about emotional dependency, since I have already published a book on that subject. We will navigate various alternatives on what we can do to achieve emotional independency for a happier lifestyle. I admit it’s not easy to talk about certain issues that you have experienced, especially when you have just finished working on them as part of a healing process. Emotions, obsessions, and honesty come into play, and the challenge begins when you recognize painful behaviors and situations that you are responsible for..... AVAILABLE in AMAZON in PAPERBACK and EBOOk ----> HERE Toxicity is a word that is used very often to label something or someone in our society. But, do you really know who is toxic? What is toxic? Is it Abuse? How can you identify what a toxic relationship is, or even if you are a toxic person? Originally, this book was part of a previous book publication, ‘Freedom from Emotional Dependency, The Journey.’ I then decided that a separate book, with all this valuable information, needed to have its main spotlight, like a NARCISISTIC PERSON would like to have… This book will lead you to the true understanding on how a toxic relationship can really be stopped so you can achieve your freedom and the happiness that you deserved. While we discover the manipulative behaviors that occurs in toxic relationships, you will discover how to realign yourself with your true self. This book will guide you how to understand and deal with Narcissism, Self-Doubt, Gaslighting, And implement and the importance of Forgivness, Mindfulness and the use Law of Attraction among other metothologies. toxic relationship meaning leaving a toxic relationship AVAILABLE in AMAZON in PAPERBACK and EBOOk ----> HERE

  • When Do You Feel You Have Lost Your Sense of Self?

    By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS Losing your sense of self is when you totally detach yourself from your emotions and you are no longer you, and you feel you need someone all the time and cannot live without that person. In your dependency, you believe that you have to do whatever it takes to secure their love and support for the long run. You will begin modifying your habits, your interests, your likes and dislikes, as well as your behaviors, until they become similar to your partners. Unfortunately, I have been there and done this. I changed my diet from a regular one to a vegan diet and even tried to like his death metal music, or noise music. I was so dependent and even though I was doing everything for him, I could not make him happy enough. The most important thing is that you need to realize that as much as you are or were dependent on your partner, you were just doing it for their benefit and creating a toxic situation. At this moment, you are not taking YOUR emotions, feelings, or needs into consideration at all. As hard as it is to see it, it is the truth! The toxicity was generated by not creating boundaries in the first place. It is important to mention that these toxic and manipulative situations do not just happen in abusive relationships. A toxic situation does not automatically mean abuse. You may be unconsciously changing yourself to try to match up to your partner’s profile. Be aware! If you take something clear out of this section of the book, it is to know that you cannot ‘lose yourself,’ and you need to be who you really are in the present! To be able to support who you are, you need to learn how to share things with your partner, family, and friends. You also need to realize how important it is to spend time apart and maintain your own autonomy, likes, and dislikes as you see and feel them for yourself. LEARN more about EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCY FREEDOM Humberto Fortuna, MA, MS, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1968 where he earned his first Master of Arts degree at age 20. He came to the US in 1989 where he began his career in the Health Care field in South Florida. He specialized in Social Services for the geriatric population, concentrating in Alzheimer's and related Dementias. He received his second Master's Degree in Health Care Administration with concentration in Long Term Care from Lynn University, Florida, in 1998. He received a Post Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies in 1999. In the same year, as a Serial Entrepreneur, he created his own company; Placement Counselors Corporation. He also created Scoop for Seniors Publishing, Papinos LLC, and is publisher of 55+ Magazine, currently available in the SE region of Florida for the past 10 yrs. He currently has his own private practice as a Geriatric Specialist and won the Caregivers award for a book he co-wrote with Cindy VanDusen. He became a Certified Angel Healer Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer Practitioner, and a Certified Past Life Regressions and Akashic Records Practitioner. He also became a Certified Sound Healer and Reiki Master among other modalities. He is fusing his knowledge and experience with all these new techniques and philosophies to further his practice as an Energy Healer while dedicating his time to educating and promoting Alternative and Complementary Medicine with a Clinical Mind. Humberto 's last book THE BOSS from WITHIN and continues to educate through workshops and seminars. #writer #lifecoach #tarotreading #healing #energyhealing #holisticwellness #alternativemedicine #love #health #freedom #emotionalhealing #bossfromwithin #plantmedicine #GeriatricCare #consultant #vocalcoach #humbertofortuna #manifestation #amazon #selfimprovement #selfcare #transition #motivationalspeaker #cuttingcords #TANGOBSESSION #leadershipdevelopment #writer #performer #singer #musician #ayahuasca #SanPedro #lawofattraction #hicks ----

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