By Humberto Fortuna MA, MS
What information do I need when inquiring about an Assisted Living Facility SE Florida?

When you call or go to an Assisted Living Facility in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach County, make sure you have the following information with you:
*Name of first and secondary insurance companies.
*Was he or she a Veteran or a spouse of a veteran?
*As much information on his or her medical condition as you can provide.
*A budget for him or her that you have figured out in advance, composed of Social Security income, amount of pension he or she is receiving, any other monthly income, savings, assets, or his or her ability to receive any other income from any other source.
As you can see, it makes it even clearer why you don’t want to just show up at the facility without being ready. Having the answers to all these important questions can help you have a smooth search and transition into
Alternative housing in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach Counties.
Making an appointment is “where it’s at!” and be ready with all the information mentioned above. Prepare yourself and be ready for your successful search.

Just a phone call away and our local counselors near you will help you find the correct Assisted living facility free of charge. Our counselors specialize in specific areas in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County.
PCC advocates for quality care and all the facilities we represent are licensed and certified with the State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.
Broward: (954) 965-2925 - Miami Dade: (305) 931-0618 -
Palm Beach: (561) 329-4337
You will be assigned to a counselor that knows your desired area. Give us a call and let one of our Counselors near you help you with your questions and concerns.
Placement Counselors Corp network with several local and nations organizations like Area Agency on Aging of Broward County, Elder Affairs and ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center) Adult Protective Services, etc. PCC provides information and assistance about state and federal benefits, as well as available local programs and services to most hospitals in Florida as part of our ongoing networking such as:
Broward Health Hospitals:
These days, Retirement Homes or Senior Living Facilities are the most searchable words online, as families are looking for an Alternative Housing or a place for Mom, Dad or a loved one. Many times, families begin their online search with sentences like, Elder Care Home Services or In- Home Services for Seniors as an alternative to Assisted Living Facility or a Nursing Home. Families are starting to realize that In-home care for the elderly is not always the best choice financially. That’s when families begin to search for an Assisted Living Facility near them, without understanding what to ask or look for, or what they really need, based on the care, budget, and geographical needs.
At times, a Medicaid Nursing Home is recommended or is the appropriate choice for a specific moment. Whatever your situation may be, Placement Counselors Corp. can be your Senior Advisor for all your senior care assistance needs. We have over 25 years of experience in the tri- county area of Southeast Florida, Miami Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County. Just remember we are a Local Counselors Agency in Florida, and we are a phone call away.

PCC and 55+ Magazine is part of the local Networking system in Southeast Florida and with the following establishments: Nursing Homes, Rehabilitation Services, Group Homes for Seniors, Adult Family Care Homes, Dementia Care Units, Retirement Homes, Senior Care Facilities, Home Nursing Care, Retirement Facilities, Senior Living Communities, Assisted living Homes, Senior Living Facilities, Home for Elderly, Assisted living Apartments Near You, In Home Nursing Services, Care Facility for the Elderly, Senior Care Assistance, Elder Care home Care, Elder Care home Services, Senior Living Communities, Secured mental Health Care License Facilities. Memorial Healthcare System | Memorial Healthcare System - MHS With numerous locations in South Florida, its Memorial Regional Hospital, Memorial Regional Hospital South, Memorial Hospital West, Memorial Hospital Miramar, Memorial Hospital Pembroke, Memorial Pembroke 24/7 Emergency Care Center, Memorial Primary Care, Memorial Urgent Care Center, Memorial Manor, Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Baptist Health Hospital | Doral, Baptist Hospital, Bethesda Hospital East, Bethesda Hospital East, Bethesda Hospital West, Bethesda Hospital West, Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Doctors Hospital, Homestead Hospital, South Miami Hospital, West Kendall Baptist Hospital Broward Health Hospitals: Broward Health Medical Center, Broward Health North, Broward Health Imperial Point, Broward Health Coral Springs, Salah Foundation Children's Hospital at Broward Health